Fee Descriptions

Technology Fee
The Technology Fee is charged to undergraduate, graduate, law, and MBA students' accounts each semester. It provides partial funding for the University’s enterprise-wide technology infrastructure, which provides all students access to the Internet, e-mail, courseware, campus clusters, and a wide array of the latest software. It also provides for the growth in student services, such as course and degree requirements, web registration, and value-added Internet-related capabilities.

Health Center Access Fee
The Health Center Access Fee is a per-semester fee charged to undergraduate, graduate, law and MBA students' accounts each semester. It provides students access to all services at University Health Services and University Counseling Center, including 24-hour medical assistance and counseling/mental health assistance, alcohol and drug education programs, as well as health education and wellness programs. It also provides partial funding to address increasing student health and wellness needs, along with funding to maintain health facilities. Please visit the University Health Services website for further information regarding medical fees.

Undergraduate Student Activity Fee
The Undergraduate Student Activity Fee is a per-semester fee charged to undergraduate students to support student body-sponsored events held on campus and student government activities.

Undergraduate Observer Fee
The Observer Fee is a per semester fee charged to undergraduate students for the daily student newspaper.

Global Study Program Administrative Fee
The Global Study Program Administrative Fee is a per-semester fee charged to undergraduate students. It provides for University of Notre Dame credits and grades for approved courses in the program. It also provides:

  • Funding for publicizing the program.
  • Advising students.
  • Communicating with program’s home university or institute.
  • Communicating with interested Notre Dame faculty.
  • Administration of students' participation in the program.

Graduate Student Activity Fee
The Graduate Student Activity Fee is charged in the fall semester to all graduate students to cover the cost of all graduate student activities, including (but not limited to) lectures/seminars, graduate student officer stipends, and office overhead. The fee also partially reimburses expenses incurred by graduate students during travel to conferences and meetings to present work conducted in the student’s major field of study.

MBA Association Fee
The MBA Association Fee, charged in the fall semester to all MBA students, covers the cost of various club and committee activities including, but not limited to career-related panels and excursions, an annual MBA retreat, and student events during graduation week. The fee also helps to cover student meeting expenses, and MBAA-sponsored activities and social events.   

MSA Association Fee
The MSA Association Fee, charged in the fall semester to all MSA students, covers the cost of various student social events and activities planned by the MSA Association and its committees, including but not limited to an annual dance and events held during graduation week. The fee also helps to cover student meeting expenses. 

MSM Association Fee
The MSM Association Fee, charged in the fall semester to all MSM students, covers the cost of various student social events and activities planned by the MSM Association and its committees, including but not limited to an annual dance and events held during graduation week. The fee also helps to cover student meeting expenses. 

Law Student Journals Fee
The Law Student Journals Fee is charged in the fall semester to all law students. Each of the journals is comprised of a student editorial board and staff. Membership on the journals is determined by grades and a writing competition that takes place the summer after the first year of law school. Journal membership is desired, if not required, by many employers of Notre Dame Law School graduates. More information about these journals is available at the Law School website.

Bar Association Fee
The Bar Association Fee is charged in the fall semester to all law students. This fee is allocated among each of the law school student organizations to fund speakers, attendance at student conferences, community service and educational programs, and social events.

Law Professional Development Fee
This covers professional development expenses for students, including new CDO programming, professional nametags for all students, and the opportunity to have a headshot taken by a professional photographer. 

MBA Program Fee
The program fee is mandatory for all students. The fee is a charge associated with the administrative cost of the programs, such as selection of instructors, onboarding of candidates, and creation of their class schedules. The program fee will not be used for tuition, room, food, books, lodging, and transportation.